Now Unto Him (Hymn Sheet)

Words and music by Elizabeth Zempel

A digital hymn sheet available in two sizes you can print to insert in your hymnal, use in your orchestra, in your home, or in any other worship setting.



My Savior triumphed over Satan
When on the cross, He conquered sin.
He rose from death for my salvation
That I might live and vict’ry win.

Now unto Him Who’s more than able
To do abundantly above,
Now unto Him, Who can be trusted,
Be all the praise for vict’ry won.

My heart cries out in full surrender
To Christ who gave His all for me.
By faith receiving grace and power
To live in Him triumphantly.

The Word of God my faith sustaining
As He alone my soul doth seek.
Christ is in me the hope of glory;
He gives His pow’r unto the weak.

God’s plan throughout the countless ages
Is that His glory shall abound.
O may I trust and sing His praises
That songs of vict’ry might resound.


Product Details

PDF Size

5.5" x 8.5", 8.5" x 11"

Music by

Elizabeth Zempel

Words by

Elizabeth Zempel